Jan's Story


I was 258 pounds, 18 ½ stone, 117 kg.  Why did I decide to lose weight?  I had recently been made redundant and was due to go for an interview.  I needed a new pair of trousers as my 40”   trousers no longer fitted me.  I was now in 42” trousers and an 18” shirt. 

Going for a jog with my son or playing football was a dream I’d given up on.  In many ways I’d given up on life.  

I’d tried the gym and diets and failed at both.  Friends and relatives used to ask why there was no photos of me at weddings and social gatherings.  I was ashamed and embarrassed of who I was. Sorry if this sounds a bit depressing but it does get a bit more uplifting.  



Before I would eat the following:

Breakfast: cereal, two pieces of toast one with jam and one with peanut butter.

Lunch: 2 sandwiches - four rounds of bread, crisps, bar of chocolate and a diet can of Coke.

Tea: pizza, chips with everything, beans on toast with four rounds of toast. Crumble and ice cream. 

Snacks: crisps, chocolate. 

Now I eat:

Breakfast: porridge and blueberries. 

Lunch: John West tuna light lunch or soup. Fruit

Tea: four egg omlette, rice, veg and salmon. 

Snacks: almonds, fruit, rice pudding Skyr yogurts, popcorn and dark chocolate. 

I have two cheat meals every week and never really deny myself anything I just have it in moderation.  

I am now 204 pounds, 14 ½ stone, 92 kg. I wear 34”trousers and 16 ½ inch shirts.  I recently completed a 5k run with my son and 60 minutes playing football on a full sized pitch with MANWELL which have been some of the proudest achievements of my life. I even pose for selfies now with my daughter. 

Was all this easy? No. 

Was it worth it? Yes.